
Video: Song Song
Music: Sylvian Wang
Painting: Sylvian Wang



The idea came form the social medium and The Society of Spectacle. This project attempts to depict the invisible boundary between reality and illusion of our daily life. The music sounds desert and isolated, sometimes it sounds like someone on the road to redemption. It embodies a duality of emotional distance, the unexplained memories seem as though from the farthest space-time, and deep affection within that detachment. It has the power to make our nostalgia, nostalgic for some places either you never visited or nonexistent, and nostalgic for the time you never being.

About the graphic score:

You can play what you see,
You can play what you think of,
You can play the emotions that resemble your inside,
You can play everything that is separated...

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Copyright Sylvian Wang 2019